Friday, September 4, 2009

Blogs: Tool or Time Consuming?

In this Literacy and Technology class, I am looking forward to see what other means of technology there are that can be integrated into a classroom. It was a lot of information given in the first class, but I thought it was a nice introduction to what technology is or can be (Web 1.0 v.s. Web 2.0, or the LoTi system). I was familiar with one particular subject that we talked in class, blogging.

As a teenager, I grew up blogging as that was a very popular fad (Xanga or LiveJournal anyone?). So I was surprised to find a few blogs as I was looking up for resources on certain topics for previous reasearching. I was even more surprise to discuss about them in class and the blogs that were availible for us to explore. I visited and had found several intersesting posts. However, I thought the 3 or 4 posts I found within a year's worth of post made me wonder, is blogging worth the time and energy?

One blog post that I liked was when the author talked about a book and how it can be used in the classroom. It was a mini lesson post, and while I believe in best practice, I thought that was pretty resourceful as it allowed me to see what other point of views or ideas that I had missed.

Blogging can be a useful implement, but it might not yield results or prove worth the effort for the amount of time required. Like most and many things, it is up to the teacher's personal choice, and time and effort they are willing to put forth. Yet, to play the devil's advocate, if everyone thought that way, many ideas would not be shared in this world we call Web 2.0...


Teacher Meredith said...

Hi Teacher Sandy! I think that's awesome you had a Xanga and/or LiveJournal; I was always sort of envious of my friends who had one back in the day!
I agree that our first Literacy and Technology class was a great introduction on technology especially when comparing Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 by showing us where technology once was and now the new direction it is paving for us.
I too questioned whether blogging is worth the time, but Allie makes a good point in Teacher Sarah's blog by acknowledging that blogging is a tool that is starting to be enforced by the schools for teachers to update regularly due to what is called School Fusion.
So, I think when educators take the time to know they have to blog as a way to communicate to parents, students, and colleagues then they must make their posts meaningful in order to collaborate ideas and information sharing in a Web 2.0 world.

Patrick said...

Hello! You bring up some excellent points. In the end, blogging is just a tool to accomplish a goal. Some teachers blog and express themselves naturally and quickly. Others may take more time. But the bottom line is whether or not the teacher is communicating and collaborating with parents effectively. Some may blog to do that- others may use other traditional or newer technologies.